Services Available
Individual Therapy
Clients use this opportunity to address a number of different issues. Each of us face difficult situations when we could use the support of a trusted professional, one who will help you work through issues rather than tell you what you want to hear. A therapist remains unbiased and objective. Therapy is confidential.
Couples Therapy
Relationships can be stressful at times. Change is part of life. Individuals change, needs change. Often every day tasks take priority and we have very little time for each other. Communication includes sharing feelings but also listening. Hearing is more than listening. Sometimshare and respect where our partner’s perspective.
Group Counseling
Group Therapy provides different perspectives and insights. It offers understanding from others working through similar situations. Groups usually consist of approximately 7 members. Some are on going and others meet for a particular number of sessions. Sessions are both in person and online and usually meet twice a month.